Section J Students

Student Policies Goals

 Change of Class or School Assignment/Best Interests and Manifest Hardship

Age of Entrance

Administrative Procedures for Requesting a Wavier of School Entrance Age for First Grade

 Admission of Tuition and Non-resident Students

Admission of Exchange Students

Admission of Interdistrict Transfer Students

Assignment of Students to Classes

Attendance, Absenteeism, and Truancy

Student Release Precautions

Legal Residences

Education of Children in Foster Care

Admission of Homeless Students

Student Involvement in Decision Making

Student Government

Student Dress Code

Care of School Property by Students

Student Conduct on School Buses

Student Publications

Drug and Alcohol Use by Students

Student Alcohol, Tobacco and other Drugs

Dangerous Weapons

Contractor Disclosure Notification

Violent and Aggressive Behavior

Student Acceptable Use of Information and Communication Technologies

Use of Student Work/Student Photograph

 School District Internet Access for Students

Interrogations, Student Searches and Their Property

Student Complaints

Corporal Punishment

Detention of Students

Student Insurance Program

Student Accidents and Student Reports

Supervision of Students

Procedures for Locating Missing Students

Student Automobile Use

Reporting Neglected and Abused Children

Student Rights and Responsibility

Student Conduct

Student Discipline and Due Process

Student Discipline: Out-of-School Actions


Unauthorized use of Communication Devices

Pupil Safety and Violence Prevention - Bullying


Student Activities Funds Management

Employment of Students

Use of Child Restraint and Seclusion

Procedures on use of Child Restraint and Seclusion

Student Gifts and Solicitations

Student Fund Raising Activities

Student Health Services and School Nurses

Physical Examinations of Students

Immunizations of Students

Head Lice Pediculosis

Administering Medication to Students

Procedures for Administering Medication to Students

Healthy School Wellness Policy

Healthy School Wellness Policy Procedures

Exclusion of Students Who Present a Hazard

Concussions, Head Injuries, & Management Guidelines for the Classroom & Extra-Curricula’s

Emergency Plan for Sports Related Injuries and Additional Protocols for Athletics Participation

Special Physical Health Needs of Students

School Guidance Programs and Services

 Behavior Management and Intervention

Suicide Prevention and response

Parental Notification of Involvement in Student Welfare

Staff-Student Relations

Student Fees, Fines and Charges

Student Records and Access - FERPA

Access to and Use of Student Records

Student Records and Access- FERPA