Section E Support Services

Support Services Goals

Workplace Safety Program and Joint Loss Management Committee

School Safety

Accident Reports

First Aid and Emergency Care

Air and Water Quality

Crisis Prevention and Response Plans

Fire and All Hazard Drills

Bomb Threats

School Closings

Pandemic Epidemic Emergencies

Communicable and Infectious Diseases

Buildings and Grounds Management

Buildings and Grounds Security

Building and Equipment Regulations

 Access to Buildings


Audio-Video Surveillance on School Buses

Building and Grounds Maintenance

Chemicals in School Buildings

Traffic and Parking Controls

Energy Conservation

Maintenance and Control of Instructional Materials

Authorized use of School-Owned Materials

Employee use of Cellular Telephones

Student Transportation Services

Video and Audio Surveillance on School Property

Establishment of Bus Routes and Stops

School Bus Safety Program

Student Conduct on School Buses

School Bus Safety Program

Special Use of School Buses

Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing - School Bus Drivers

Use of Private Vehicles on School Business

 Food Service Management

 Availability and Distribution of Healthy Foods

Meal Charging

Free and Reduced Price Meal Policy

Vending Machines and Other Food Sales

Reproduction of Copyright Materials

Public Access to School District Records

Administrative Procedures for Public Access to District Records Right to Know Requests

Computer Security, E-Mail and Internet Communications

Data Governance & Security

Electronic Digital Records & Signatures

Data/Records Retention and Destruction

Local Records Retention Schedule

Insurance Management

Liability Insurance