Section B - School Board Governance and Operations

Board Operational Goals

Board Operational Goals - Responsibilities of Local School Boards

School Board Legal Status

School  Board Powers and Duties

School Board Member Authority

Roles and Duties of the Board Chairperson

 School Board Members and Elections

Certificate of Oath of Office

School Board Member Qualifications

School Board Member Removal from Office

Board Member Responsibility and Resignation

School Board Ethics 

School Board Member Conflict of Interest

School Board Organizational Meeting

Board Officers

School Board-Superintendent Relations

School Board-Superintendent Relations (Exhibit)

Organization of Board Committees

Duties of Committee Chair

Advisory Committees to the School Board 

School District Attorney

Regular School Board Meeting

Agenda Preparation and Dissemination


School Board Use of E-mail

School Board Member Acceptable use of Information and Communication Technologies

Acceptable use of Information and Communication Technologies Acknowledgement From

School Board Member Use of Electronic Communication Devices During School Board Meeting

 Non-public Session

Board Meeting - Rules of Procedure and Order

Meeting Minutes

Public Participation at Board Meetings

Board Review of Regulations

 Administration in Policy Absence

Board-Staff Communications

Policy Development, Adoption and Review

New Board Orientation

Board Member Development Opportunities

School Board Conferences, Conventions, and Workshops

School Board use of Email and other Electronic Communications

School Board Legislative Program

Payment for Services Rendered by School District Officers

School Board Members Indemnification

School Board Memberships