Message from Superintendent of Schools
Dear Newfound Community,
It has been an honor to serve the Newfound Area School District for the past sixteen years as a teacher and as a building administrator. As I start my seventeenth year, I look forward to serving the district as superintendent.
As we look at our strategic plan and take stock of what we have accomplished, it is important that we maintain curriculum and instruction that supports our upward trend in student achievement as well as equity for all of our students and schools. It is important that we continue to prepare our students for their next steps from grade to grade, school to school, and in post-secondary readiness.
I am committed to promoting student safety and well-being and will strive for transparency to our stakeholders in an environment of civility. I am also committed to maintaining and growing our bonds as a community as this is what makes us Newfound. Our community is what makes us great – our thriving and empathetic students, our dedicated staff, our caring and involved families, and our supportive community partners. Although there are a number of challenges we face, I truly appreciate how much this community supports its schools.
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve in this role and welcome communication from our students, staff, families, and community members.
Paul Hoiriis
Superintendent of Schools
SAU #4